Work History
With over 30 years in the industry, Spano Brothers Construction has a wide array and ever-growing list of job experience in the Greater Akron Area. Below are just a few of our past projects:
Friends and Family Credit Union
Massillon, OH
Work Completed:
Clearing and Grubbing (Tree removal)
Earthwork/Mass Grading
Retention Pond
Storm Drainage
Sanitary Sewer
Water Service
Seeding & Mulching
Concrete Curbs, Sidewalks, Drive Aprons, Dumpster Pad
Building Footers
Interior Floor Slab
Bonefish Grill
Canton, OH
Work Completed:
Building Footers
Interior Floor Slab
Concrete Dumpster Pad
Masonry Dumpster Enclosure
City of North Canton
Mt. Pleasant Waterline
Work Completed:
12” Ductile Iron Water Main (3,600 LF)
6” Ductile Iron Water Main (150 LF)
Fire Hydrant Assemblies (10 EA)
Asphalt Patching of Roadway
Seeding Restoration
Village of Bolivar
Sidewalks and Bike Path
Work Completed:
Excavation of Subgrade
4” & 8’ Concrete Sidewalk (21,000 SF)
ADA Compliant Handicap Ramps
Traffic Sign Installation (Stop, Yield, Bike Crossing)
Pavement Marking/Striping
Topsoil Installation
Seeding and Mulching
Conrad’s Tire Express and Total Car Care
Green, OH
Work Completed:
Building Demolition
Pavement Removal
Earthwork & Grading
Building Pad Prep
Storm Drainage
Sanitary Sewer
Water Service
Concrete Curbs, Sidewalks, Drive Aprons, Dumpster Pad
Trench Drain Installation
Building Footers
Interior Floor Slab
City of Green
Solar Estates Drainage Improvements
Work Completed:
30” Storm Sewer (1,070 LF)
Catch Basins (18 EA)
12” Storm Sewer using Butt Fusion Technology (110 LF)
Concrete Drainage Channel (104 ft x 10 ft)
Roadway Patching w/ Asphalt
Concrete Driveway and Curb Repair
Seeding and Mulching
City of Akron
City wide Sidewalk Replacement Program
Remove and replace concrete sidewalk (50,000 sf)